On today’s Ask an Orthopedist, Kelvin all the way in Singapore needs Dr. Foreman’s help interpreting the results of an MRI on his spine.
Hi Dr,
I had an MRI recently for my back but I don’t quite understand the report. It’d be great if you can help me interpret it. The vertebrae are numbered from C2, the last unfused vertebra is labelled as L5.
There is straightening of Lumbar spine lordosis, preserved vertebral heights and intervertebral disc spaces, the cord terminates at L1/2 with normal signal return.
At L4/5, broad base disc bulge indenting on the anterior sac causing mild narrowing of the lateral recesses. mild narrowing of the left exit foramen.
At L5/S1, broad base disc bulge indenting on the anteriro theca sac.
Thanks so much. would be great if you can let me know what the above means!
Dr. Foremen Says: At two different levels the disc (a cushion between the bones) is bulging – but not herniated – which may be causing a little irritation to the nerves in those two areas. That’s the summary of the report. It should be able to be treated non-surgically with a combination of exercises, medication, and injections.
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