Osteoporosis (literally “porous bones”) is a disease in which the bones lose density over time, become weak, and are more likely to break. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 40 million people in the U.S. either already have osteoporosis or at a high risk of developing osteoporosis due to low bone mass. Older women are most susceptible to the disease, but it can occur in men and women of any age.

It used to be that you had to break a bone in order for your doctor to detect osteoporosis. Now, X-ray analysis of the bones’ density can lead to a preventative diagnosis.
Signs of Possible Osteoporosis
- -Loss of height over time
- -Stooped posture
- -Fractures of the wrist, hip, or other bones
Who Should Get a Bone Density Test?*
- -Patients older than 50 with a history of a broken bone
- -Women who experience early menopause
- -Post-menopausal women who have stopped taking their hormone therapy
- -Anyone who has taken anti-seizure drug, such as Prednisone Armotase Inhibitors
- -Women older than 65 or men older than 70
- -Post-menopausal women with at least one other risk factor
- -Being white or Asian and/or small framed
- -Poor diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, or heavy drinking
If you think you have any of these risk factors, log on to the Azalea Patient Portal and schedule a bone density test today.
*Recommendations from the National Osteoporosis Foundation