A previous orthopedic patient herself, Jennifer McKelva– now a Physician Assistant for Dr. Raabe and the Orthopedic Spine Team, is out doing what she loves. After a car accident many years ago, Jennifer had to have several hip and knee surgeries. Dr. Goodfried performed a total knee replacement for her in 2015. Searching for a low-impact exercise, Jennifer began cycling. One-month post operation, she made a 12- mile ride!
Here’s Jennifer, along with her friends at family, riding a “casual” 35 miles at the Cotton Patch Challenge in Greenville, Texas, last weekend. So great to see Jennifer doing what she loves and proving there is life after an injury. Way to go, Jenn! #cycling #getoutside #justdoit #orthopedic_surgery #dowhatyoulove #DemandAzalea #DrGoodfried
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Azalea Orthopedics Today!
Your knees are some of the most complex joints in the body, and a healthy knee is crucial for day-to-day activity and leading a happy life. Over time, the structures that make up your knees can wear down and cause painful injuries. Here at Azalea Orthopedics, our team of highly experienced orthopedic surgeons are prepped and ready to help answer any questions you have regarding the intricacies of the knee joint and its surrounding ligaments and tissues. If you are experiencing ongoing knee pain from arthritis, or have injured your knee through a high-impact sport or accident, we can help. Call us today 903-939-7500 learn more about the orthopedic treatments we offer, or schedule an appointment at one of our clinics near you!