James Harris, M.D.
Orthopedic Surgery- Sports Medicine, Hips, Knees and Shoulders
3414 Golden Road, Tyler, Texas 75701
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Dr. James Harris is a board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon who specializes in sports medicine, hips, shoulders, knees, robotic and arthroscopic surgery.
For over 20 years, Dr. Harris has been a staple of the East Texas Medical Community. Before his time with Azalea, Dr. Harris spent a year in Sydney, Australia completing a fellowship where he specialized in sports medicine and complex knee injuries. Before traveling to Australia, Dr. Harris studied as an orthopedic resident in New Orleans at the Tulane School of Medicine. While in Louisiana, he trained at Shrine Crippled Children’s Hospital where he specialized in pediatric orthopedic surgery. Dr. Harris is also certified to perform total knee replacement using Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Technology.
After years of providing top quality patient care and excellent customer service, Dr. Harris is highly respected and widely regarded as a top surgeon in East Texas.
Dr. Harris has had a long term affiliation with Trinity Valley Community College and Brownsboro High School as the team physician at their sporting events.
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Sports Medicine, Knees, Shoulder, and Pediatrics.
Fellow American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 1989
Diplomat American Board of Orthopedic Surgery, 1987
North Sydney Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Sports Medicine and Knee Surgery
Tulane University School of Medicine & Affiliated Hospitals
New Orleans, Louisiana
1981 – 1985
Hughston Sports Medicine Clinic and Hospital
Columbus, Georgia
Sports Medicine
June 1984 – December 1985
University of Southern California
Downey, California
Adult Rehabilitation & Reconstruction, Spinal Cord Injuries
January 1984 – June 1984
Shrine Crippled Children’s Hospital
Shreveport, Louisiana
Orthopedic Pediatrics
June 1983 – December 1983
University of Michigan- St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
Ann Arbor, Michigan
1979 – 1981
Medical Education:
University of Texas, Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas
1975 – 1979
Undergraduate Education:
University of Texas
Arlington, Texas
Bachelor of Science in Biology
1972 – 1975
Temple Junior College:
Temple, Texas
1971 – 1972
Hughston Sports Medicine Society
American Association of Physicians and Surgeons
Southern Medical Association
Medical Association of Georgia
Texas Medical Association
Tulane Caldwell Society
Southern Orthopaedic Association
Smith County Medical Society
Seventh Annual East Texas Sports Medicine Seminar, Course Chairman, Athletic Emergencies, June 13, 1998Sixth Annual East Texas Sports Medicine Seminar, Course Chairman, Meeting the Challenge of the New Athletes, June 14, 1997
Decision Making in the ACL Injured Patient, Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting, Arlington, Texas, July 28-30, 1995
Physiological Profile of the Female Athlete, 13th Annual Sports Medicine Conference, Galveston, Texas, July 7-8, 1995
Fourth Annual East Texas Sports Medicine Seminar, Decision Making In Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery, June 10, 1995.
Modified Technique of Endoscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Presented at American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Individual Orthopedic Instruction, Sixty-first Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 24-28, 1994
Acromioclavicular Injuries, University of Texas Medical Branch, Annual Sports Medicine Conference, Galveston, Texas, July 8-9,1994
Oxygen Costs of Walking Patients With Osteoarthritis Before and After Total Knee Arthroplasty, Presented at American College Sports Medicine Seminar, Houston, Texas, February 10, 1994.
The Modified Anterior Drawer Test, Presented at Tenth Annual Meeting of Southern Orthopaedic Association, Vienna, Austria, August 12-14, 1993
A Modified Technique of Endoscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Video Theater, Presented at the Combined Congress of the International Society of the Knee and the International Arthroscopy Association, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 25-30, 1993.
Simultaneous Bilateral Uncemented Total Knee Replacement – A Review of 66 cases, Poster Presentation, Presented at the Combined Congress of the International Society of the Knee and the International Arthroscopy Association, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 25-30, 1993
Clinical Exam of the Knee, Presented at Second Annual East Texas Sports Medicine Seminar, Tyler, Texas, June 3-5, 1993
Anatomy and Dissection of the Foot and Ankle, Sports Medicine Conference, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Tifton, Georgia, 1992
Sponsor and Chairman, First Annual East Texas Sports Medicine
The Forgotten Clinical Examination of the Knee and Ligamentous Injuries of the Knee, First Annual East Texas Sports Medicine Seminar, May 22-23, 1992
Simultaneous Bilateral Uncemented Total Knee Replacement, A Review of 66 Cases, Presented at the Texas Orthopaedic Association Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 1992
Bilateral Total Knee Replacement, Annual Meeting of the Southern Orthopaedic Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado, August, 1991
Arthroscopic Stapling of Acute ACL Ruptures, Presented at International Meeting – Future Advances in Arthroscopy, Australian Institute of Musculoskeletal Research, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, December 3-6, 1989
Operative Alternatives in Recurrent Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder, Presented at the Shoulder Seminar for Family Practice, Sydney, Australia, November, 1989
Pitfalls in Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction, Presented at the Australian Knee Society Meeting, Milton Park, New South Wales, Australia, September, 1989
Kinematic Analysis of the Instant Center of Rotation of the Knee, Presented at the Southern Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Antiqua, West Indies, April, 1989
Steroids: Performance at What Cost? Anatomy and Frequent Injuries in the Shoulder, Presented at the Annual Sports Medicine Seminar, Baldwin College, Tifton, Georgia, September, 1987, September, 1988, July, 1990, July, 1991
Intramedullary Rods – Types, Techniques and Indications, Presented at the Georgia State Radiology Seminar, Valdosta, Georgia, October, 1988
Instant Center Analysis of Normal and Extra-Articular Reconstructed ACL Deficient Knees, Presented at the Hughston Society Meeting, Columbus, Georgia, March, 1988
The Grice Extra-Articular Subtalar Arthrodesis: A Clinical Review, Presented at The Shriner’s Hospital Orthopaedic Symposium, 1986
Grice Subtalar Extra-Articular Arthrodesis: A Review of 25 Years of Clinical Experience, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Orthopedic Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, November, 1984
Bennett’s Fracture: A Better Method of Reduction, Presented at the 17th Annual AOA Resident Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May, 1984
Bennett’s Fracture: An Anatomical and Clinical Study, Presented at the 13th Annual Meeting, American Association of Hand Surgery, Dallas, Texas, October, 1983
Bennett’s Fracture: An Anatomical and Clinical Study, Presented at the 1st Annual Resident’s Conference, American Society for Surgery of the Hand, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Regular Meeting, Anaheim, California, May, 1983
The Hughston Clinic SPORTS MEDICINE BOOK, Champ L. Baker, ed. Chapter 74, “Chondral Lesions of the Knee”, pgs 473-479, 1995.
Recent Developments in the Treatment and Repair of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in the Athlete, Sports Medicine, March 1990
The Grice Extra-Articular Subtalar Arthrodesis: A Clinical Review, Orthopaedic Transactions, 1986
Retrospective Analysis of the Grice Extra-Articular Subtalar Arthrodesis, Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, June, 1985
Bilateral Sequential Tibial and Fibular Fatigue Fractures Associated with Aluminum Intoxication Osteomalacia, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, July, 1983
Sports Medicine Committee, Texas Medical Association
Membership Committee, Hughston Society
Alpha Kappa Kappa Medical Fraternity
Mu Delta Honorary Medical Fraternity
Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Alpha Chi Honorary Fraternity
Clinic Address: 3414 Golden Road, Tyler, Texas 75701Main Appointment Line: (903) 939-7501
Direct Line: (903) 939-7506
Fax (903) 939-7755
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