John Camp, M.D.
Orthopedic Surgery - Hand, Wrist, Elbow
3414 Golden Road, Tyler, Texas 75701
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Dr. Camp specializes in orthopedic surgery of the hand and upper extremities. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery with a Subspecialty Certification (CAQ) in Surgery of the Hand. He was named to the list of Texas Monthly Super Doctors in 2009, 2018-2024.
Dr. Camp attended Medical School at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine in Lubbock, Texas, following the completion of his undergraduate degree at Angelo State University, where he graduated Cum Laude. He completed a fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic & Case Western Reserve University Hospital in Ohio after completing orthopedic residency training at the University of Kentucky.
“My orthopedic subspecialty is in hand and upper extremity surgery,” Camp explains. “I was drawn to this field because of the fascinating pathology and ability to make people better quickly. Most upper extremity problems are straightforward and diagnosis and treatment outcomes are highly successful. I can think of no other area in medicine as gratifying as upper extremity surgery.”
Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University Hospitals
Hand/Upper Extremity Surgery
1994 – 1995
University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center
Lexington, Kentucky
Orthopedic Surgery
1989- 1994
Medical Education:
Texas Tech University HSC School of Medicine
Lubbock, Texas
Medical Doctor
May 1989
Undergraduate Education:
Angelo State University
San Angelo, Texas
Bachelor of Science – Chemistry
May 1984
Board Certified Orthopedic Surgery, 8/98
1990 Kentucky #27465
1990 Texas #H7941
1994 Ohio #35-06-6666
Subspecialty Certification (CAQ) in Surgery of the Hand
Hand, Wrist, Shoulder
Cum Laude, B.S. Degree, Angelo State University
Vice President, Medical School Class Junior/Senior years
Kentucky, Orthopedic Society Rusty Hip Award, 1993
Major, USAR
Board Certified ABOS July, 1997
CAQ Hand Surgery, September, 1998
Clinic Address: 3414 Golden Road, Tyler, Texas 75701
Main Appointment Line: (903) 939-7501
Direct Line: (903) 939-7571
Fax (903) 939-7756
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