Can bone spurs grow back?
Can bone spurs grow back?

Three years after an accident, this patient is concerned with a bone spur he had removed from his hip. A bone spur, also known as osteophyte, is an outgrowth of bone that can occur along the edges of a bone. In 2006 I was in a car wreck which caused a dislocated hip, broken femur, several…

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Is exercise bad for flat feet?
Is exercise bad for flat feet?

  Question: My question is regarding normal progression vs aggravation. I had asymptomatic congenital flat feet before I did heavy exercise, hiking and heavy work. Now I’m symptomatic and can barely walk or run without feeling pain. Is this considered a normal progression of asymptomatic flat feet or did I aggravate it beyond normal progression…

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Ask an Orthopedist- Achilles Tendon Pain
Ask an Orthopedist- Achilles Tendon Pain

Question: On my last run, I immediately felt a pinching sensation settle in at the top of my right Achilles tendon. I flexed it a few times and walked it off, and continued my run paying careful attention to it. The sensation has not subsided, however, and while it is not painful, it is unrelenting…

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Recommendations for Non-Operative Treatment of Spine Pain
Recommendations for Non-Operative Treatment of Spine Pain

Healthy Body Weight: Obtain and maintain a healthy body weight to decrease the stress on your spine. This can be accomplished through a healthy diet and exercise, but some people may need medical or surgical assistance. Please ask your primary care physician if you need help with weight control. Regular Exercise: Engage in regular exercise (vigorous…

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Azalea Cares Team Spotlight: Brittany Barron

This week, we are heading to our South Broadway Clinic in Tyler for our Azalea Cares Team Spotlight. Meet Brittany Barron, LVN for Dr. Schreiber! The best part of my day at Azalea Orthopedics? Working with the patients, physicians and my co-workers. What’s the most rewarding thing about my position at Azalea Orthopedics? Helping patients…

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Pain or Popping in Muscle After Rotator Cuff & Bicep Surgery

Question: I had rotator cuff surgery and bicep tenodesis surgery 11 weeks ago. All was (is) going fine…. started PT 9 weeks ago. Today, I heard a pop in my shoulder and immediately I have pain in the upper arm and shoulder. I got home from work and noticed a bulge in my bicep area.…

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When Can Hardware Be Removed After Forearm Surgery?
When Can Hardware Be Removed After Forearm Surgery?

    QUESTION: My age is 28, I got a fracture in the left forearm, both ulna, and radius, and fixed with SS plate and screw. Now, the fracture healed well. It’s been 1.5 years since the operation to fix plates. Now, there is no issue in my hand, but I want to remove the…

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How Long is the Healing Time from Elbow Surgery?

Question: My 10-year-old son is having surgery tomorrow on his dislocated elbow. He needs 2 pins to support it. How long after the surgery until his cast can come off? How long until he can swim, play drums and baseball? Dr. Foreman: I suspect that your son has a fracture and not a dislocation of…

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Taking Care of Impaction Fracture Prior to Surgery

Question: My daughter has a subtle impaction fracture of the femoral condyle (a round projection at the end of the thigh bone). She can’t see the surgeon for another 2 weeks. She is in a brace and has crutches. Can you please advise management until she sees the doctor. For example – can she put…

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Healing after Amputation for Diabetics

Updated: February 9, 2024 Question: My 37 year old daughter has Type 1 diabetes. She had half her foot amputated 5 years ago due to infection. Being diabetic, it’s never healed totally. Now it’s not infected, but won’t heal. She is also on dialysis 3 days a week. Her orthopedic wants to amputate up to…

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Ankle Pain After Hardware Removal?

Question: I had ORIF hardware removal surgery 5 months ago and have been in a lot of pain since then. Went to foot and ankle doctor who did a few X-rays and the report said that the side plate and screw removal was done bringing an old oblique fracture. It said the oblique fracture is…

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Healing After a Fractured Patella

Question: I fractured my right patella due to a fall off my bike. It’s cracked, but not displaced. I should of had surgery, but I didn’t have insurance and kept it straight in a cast for 2 weeks before seeing a specialist. It’s been a little over a month and I literally can’t bend it,…

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Treatment Options for Lingering Ankle Pain?

Question: Hello! I am a med student from Austria and work part time in an orthopedic clinic. We have a patient that got me thinking and I wanted to reach out and find out what experts say to the case. 20 year old, male, hard worker, pain in right ankle. MRI showed signs of a sprain…

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What to Expect with Shoulder Injury – Hill-Sachs Lesion

Question: I was diagnosed with a Hill-Sachs lesion about 5 years ago following my second dislocation along with having an injury pattern visible on the labrum. Would this injury heal on its own in regards to the compression fracture and the injury to the cartilage or would it all remain the same? Dr. Foreman: The…

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Healing and Exercise after an ACL or PCL injury

Question: I am looking for advice regarding a PCL injury sustained 5 months ago. I am expecting surgery in 2 months’ time. But I have a snowboarding holiday booked which is in just 3 weeks. My knee has been reasonably strong and stable as I have returned to riding my mountain bike (taking it fairly easily). My worry…

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Exercising After a Hip or Knee Replacement
Exercising After a Hip or Knee Replacement

Question: Doc, I’m a Disabled Veteran with bilateral Hip Replacements. Can I SQUAT, Leg Press and Lunge? A sedentary lifestyle has led to a weight gain of 100lbs (355lbs) I’m very motivated to get fit and live longer. A trainer suggested training legs weekly to supplement a plant-based diet, sleep and lots of water.  …

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How Your BMI Affects Surgery Candidacy

Question: Hi, I am 58 and weigh about 320 pounds. I want a second opinion about total knee replacement. My orthopedist wants me to lose about 100 lbs before surgery. My right knee is bone on bone, no cartilage and my leg is bowing. I have had a cortisone shot and the gel injections; nothing…

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Pain After Total Knee Replacement

Question: I’m only 36 and I’ve struggled with knee pain for years due to sports. I’ve had numerous surgeries, but had TKR 4 months ago. I still have swelling and stiffness, but more importantly, I’m still having pain. Sometimes it’s so bad I’m in tears, and I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. My…

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Still Suffering From Wrist Pain After Fracture

Question: Hi, I’m wondering what you can tell me about the effectiveness of Darrach’s excision (resection of the distal end of the ulna) with ECU tendon transfer in patients in their 30’s? I’m not finding a lot online and what I do find mentions elderly patients. I’m 7 months post closed distal radial fracture. It…

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How Long to Wait for Surgery Following a Surgery

Question: I originally was planning on having my knee replaced last February but elected to try Stem Cell Therapy first. Which hasn’t done much for the knee? I’m now wanting to revisit surgery however presently having substantial dental work done with last crowns scheduled for February 2019. Any issues with ongoing dental work if knee…

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What is the Healing Time For A Nerve Injury?

Question: 2 weeks ago, I stepped on a small tree stump and rolled my right ankle. I had some minor soreness but thought it would go away in a few days. The pain has gone away; however, as of today, I am having some issues and unsure of what it could be. Starting at the…

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Diagnosing Knee Pain and Proper Treatment

Question: I am a 17-year-old female who has pain in my left knee. I have felt cracking, grinding, and clicking, seen a lot of swelling, and felt a lot of pain all over my knee, especially the front and by the patella tendon. Both my X-rays and MRI came back negative. I was diagnosed with…

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Can a “Second Elbow” Be a Complication After Surgery?

Question:  My father had a humerus fracture two years ago and did a plate fixation surgery. A few months ago, he is having something like a new elbow above his elbow and when he moves his arm it seems like he has two elbows. Please advise is this a common complication and what do you…

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Can Injections Lead to a Baker’s Cyst?

Question: Could a series of Synvisc injections cause/lead/ have the side effect of the formation of a Baker’s Cyst that was never before present (hypothetically in an 88-year-old female of moderate normal health with no Baker’s Cyst history and no knee trauma)? If so, should/could the idea of draining the cyst be an option for…

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Allografts vs. Autograft for ACL Reconstruction

Question: What graft what you recommend for ACL reconstruction for a 25-year-old who hopes to return to regular athletic activity (pick-up basketball, golf, softball, cycling, etc.).  I Had a hamstring autograft for a previous ACL reconstruction in the same knee. ACL has torn again. What are the pros and cons of patellar tendon versus allograft?…

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Are There Any Benefits to Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Surgery?

Question: My mom is a healthy 83 but needs carpal tunnel surgery soon. A friend had his done with you & brags on you guys. Now it can be done with a laser. Why don’t you guys do laser? Less downtime, etc. Mom stays busy she won’t like a cast. I’ve heard good news about…

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Sometimes it’s Best to Wait For Surgery

Question: I fractured my femur March 14. I was preparing for a Total Knee Replacement due to a torn meniscus from repeated falls and wear. I fell on the ice when I broke my leg and torn several ligaments in my knee. During my doctor’s appointment today, my physician said I have to wait at…

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How to Stabilize a Knee Cap

Question: Hello, my name is Kathryn I am a 19-year-old softball college athlete. About a month ago I noticed severe pain in my knee on the lateral side and worsened from activity. It got so bad that I wasn’t able to bend my leg at all after practice each day and my knee would catch…

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Does A Broken Toe Require Surgery?

Question: A week ago I hurt my toe. Yesterday I finally decided to get an X-ray as the pain was not getting better. The 4th proximal phalanx is completely broken. My Primary Care Physician recommends I see an ortho. My issue is I can’t afford to take off work if they say I should do…

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What is The Longevity of Stainless Steel Hardware

Question: I suffered midshaft radius fracture of left forearm in the year 2009 and was treated with ORIF wherein plates, and screws made of stainless steel were used. Sir, my question is ” Can stainless steel made plates be kept implanted in my radius bone forever? Is there any longevity of such plates? Dr. Foreman–…

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Can I Play Golf With a Ruptured Tendon?

Question: I ruptured my biceps tendon two weeks ago. I want to play golf before I have surgery. Is that ok, or will I do more damage? Dr. Foreman– You may cause some retraction of the tendon which makes it a little more challenging to find and reattach, so from a technical standpoint I would…

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Will a Dislocated Elbow Heal Without Surgery?

Question: I’m a professional MMA fighter, and four weeks ago I dislocated my elbow while wrestling. At the hospital, I went to the orthopedic surgeon said I’m going to need surgery and sent me to a different doctor who specializes in UCL tears. He told me with UCL tears athletes who wrestle and fight don’t…

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How Long is The Recovery Time For Rotator Cuff Surgery/Shoulder Reconstruction Surgery

Question:  I have been seen by an orthopedic surgeon and was told that I had a very bad rotator cuff tear and possibly will need a total shoulder replacement. What is the time span for recovery and time spent in hospital and length of healing? Dr. Foreman– First of all, you need to know if…

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Can a Grade Two ACL Tear Heal Without Surgery?

Question: I had an accident and received an ACL grade two injury. My doctor suggests I rest for three weeks and another doctor said I need an operation. What should I do? Can a grade two ACL tear heal without surgery? Dr. Forman– Partial tears of the ACL (grade II injury) may heal a little…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Grade 2 AC Joint Separation

Question: I was recently diagnosed with a grade 2 ac joint separation, and possible rotator cuff tear, with the injury happening 9 days ago. My doctor says I should immediately be doing range of motion exercises, but it hurts pretty bad still, and I read online in multiple places that exercises shouldn’t be done until…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Wrist Inuries

Question: What is the average length of time it takes for a wrist ligament tear to heal? What is the most common wrist injury and what can an athlete do to avoid injury? Some wrist ligaments heal in 4-6 weeks, some don’t heal without surgery. As far as most common wrist injuries, it would have…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Medial Meniscal Extrusion

Question: I have Medial Meniscal Extrusion of 4mm. If an extrusion means that the part of the meniscus is sticking out (extruding), is it possible that this extrusion can retreat back to normal if properly cared for? Meniscal extrusion is almost always associated with degeneration of the meniscus and often some arthritis in the knee.…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Causes of Arthritis

Question: In my early 20’s I worked a job where I was required to lift and carry anywhere between 65 to 100 lbs frequently. The job would sometimes require stooping, standing and sitting for prolonged periods of time. I did this job for almost 4 years. Could this type of repetitive work related activity cause…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Carpal Tunnel

Question: I have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel. Is the procedure invasive? Is Azalea Orthopedics part of the ETMC system? Carpal tunnel release is an extremely commonly performed procedure. It is an outpatient procedure done through a small incision on the palm side of the wrist/hand. Recovery is quick and results are >95% successful. Azalea…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Can a ligament be tightened up?

Question: My middle finger, middle joint has a subluxation from a long ago sports injury. I have good range of motion but the finger is being distorted by swelling and the ligament on one side of the joint has been stretched. Is there a treatment for me besides fusion or joint replacement? I did see…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Patellar Tendinitis Following ACL Surgery

Patellar Tendinitis After ACL Surgery Question: I’ve been having Swelling/soreness in Patellar Tendon 10 months post ACL reconstruction surgery (patellar tendon graft). I had an mri and it said “mild tendonopathy. The Tendon looks thicker than before and becomes irritated after any activity. Is this common for patellar tendon graft ACL surgery? I have stopped…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Is an orthopedic doctor the correct physician to see for back/hip pain?

Question: I am having issues with both my lower back and right hip. Slight pain in the right hip, but extreme tightness and no flexibility. My right thigh goes numb when on my feet or walking for over an hour. Is an orthopedic doctor the physician to see? If so, do you recommend a doctor…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Can stem cell and PRP injections help with arthritis pain?

Question: Can stem cell and PRP injections help with arthritis pain? Medication and injections can help diminish pain and swelling, but don’t alter the disease process. Stem cell and PRP injections are being used, but currently there is no overwhelming scientific evidence that they work better than more traditional injectable medications for arthritis. They also…

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Finger Subluxation

Question: My middle finger on my right hand, middle joint, has a subluxation from a sports injury. I have good range of motion but the finger is being distorted by swelling and the ligament on one side of the joint has been stretched. Is there a treatment for me besides fusion or joint replacement? Can a…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Fracture by Alcohol Induced Osteoporosis

Question: Can a vertebrae heal and recover from spontaneous fracture by alcohol induced osteoporosis? In this sense, is alcohol induced osteoporosis reversible? The answer to your first question is yes, vertebral fractures can and do heal.  The answer to your second question is that osteoporosis can be improved, but it takes active treatment including calcium,…

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Can Swelling Hide a Fracture on an X-ray?

Question: Is it possible that when a person fractures their arm that it can be too swollen for the x-ray to be clearly read? That is a common misconception.  The bones can be seen by x-ray with or without swelling. Have a question for one of our orthopedic surgeons at Azalea Orthopedics? Ask An Orthopedist…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Recovery After Knee Surgery

Question: I recently had ACL surgery using a hamstring graft. I am now 3 months into recovery and forced my knee back to about 120 degrees doing my stretches and now it is really swollen and feels weird, can you help? You likely stretched/tore some scar tissue in the knee. Ultimately this will help your…

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Recovery Time for Displaced Fracture of Lateral Malleolus in the Right Fibula

Updated: January 13, 2024 Question: I had surgery for a displaced fracture of lateral malleolus of right fibula, initial encounter for closed fracture. What is the recovery time? When will I be able to put weight on my ankle and walk again? It take 6-8 weeks for the fracture to be fairly well healed. I…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Syndesmotic Screw Concerns

Question: I am having concerns with my syndesmptic screw. Should I remove the screw or let it break, which is highly likely, with the possibilities of further complications? I have a number of patients who have broken syndesmotic screws and I can’t recall any problems with any of them. Some, however, don’t like the thought…

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Ask An Orthopedist: What can one do to speed up the healing process of a hip/leg injury?

Question: Is brief use of an elliptical gym machine helpful for a leg/hip injury? My x-ray showed that nothing was broken but I currently use a cane and still experience a bit of pain. I want a way to help the healing process.    Answer: Without knowing the exact extent of your soft tissue injuries…

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Orthopedic Insights: Dealing with ACL Nerve Damage

Updated: January 13, 2024 Question: I had an ACL recon in february of 2014. I have not been able to feel a certain area on my right leg, just below the knee, ever since. My leg recently started itching in that exact spot for about 15-20 minutes and all of the feeling that was once…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Buckle Fracture

Question: My son broke his forearm (buckle fracture) two weeks ago and he is wondering if he can play sports in a cast? He says that he feels better and can move his hand just fine. Without seeing his x-rays I can’t say for sure, but generally buckle fractures are stable fractures and are unlikely…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Can wrist braces cause more damage than help?

Question: Around 3 months ago, I started getting pain in my right wrist (I hold the mouse in my right hand). I started wearing a Mueller wrist support brace while at work 2 months ago and have been using it every day since then. It gives me a lot of relief when typing and doing…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Septic Arthritis

Question: I was wondering your thoughts on the best physiotherapy management of patients presenting with septic arthritis to the hospital. Should they immobilize the joint and be non-weighting initially or just mobilize within comfort and weight bear as tolerated. Is there is any detriment to doing either? Septic arthritis causes a significant inflammatory response within…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Facet Arthropathy of the Lumbar Spine

Question: I have facet arthropathy of the lumbar spine. I go into spasm within 10 minutes of standing and have to sit immediately whereupon pain is alleviated. Two rounds of PT – regular and aquatic – no improvement in standing time. Myofascial massage has improved soft tissue and psoas stretches to lengthen, but still no increase…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Baker’s Cyst

Question: I have a very large, painful Baker’s Cyst (left knee) confirmed by an ultrasound. I have had 3 surgeries in the past (arthroscopies) for medial meniscus tear. The radiologist said in his report that the cyst also has blood in it and is septated. In researching various treatments for this problem, drainage and injection…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Gluteus Minimus & Trochanteric Bursitis

Question: I recently had an MRI on my right hip and the results showed that I have a tear of the gluteus minimus tendon and also have trochanteric bursitis. I know that after a few shots to the hips I should feel better, but what can I do about the tear? Although it will be…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Meniscus Repair

Question: I had meniscus surgery five days ago and am experiencing small, painless clicks where my meniscus was shaved off. Is this normal? I got them before my surgery, but they were bigger and happened when I jumped or ran. Yes this is normal. The clicks will slowly but surely get less and less over the…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Total Right Knee Replacement

Question: I tore my Right ACL when I was about 16-17 years old, it was eventually a complete avulsion. 4o+ years later I am now having daily pain, but it usually only induces a limp. I wear an Donjoy aluminum brace whenever I go walking or bike riding. I have a positive drawer sign (the…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Tibia Fracture

Question: I fractured my tibia 7 months ago and am still in my cast. During my most resent check up this week, my doctor said that he can’t remove the cast because it has still not fully healed. Should I continue with my current treatment or seek some another doctors opinion? Is my pulmonary embolism…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Knee Surgery

Question: Do any of your surgeons use the On Q pain relief pump for post op pain management? I worked post open heart /CVICU years ago and the On Q was used for a period of time for pain relief at the sternotomy site. I am looking at a possible knee surgery in the near…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Growth Plates

Question: I stand at 5ft 6in and I have not grown at all for 2 years now. I am a high school athlete and was hoping that I would still grow taller to further my basketball career. Is there anything I can do to make myself taller? There are growth centers (growth plates) in bones…

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Ask An Orthopedist: ACL & MCL Tear

Question: I have torn my ACL and MCL, am I going to need surgery? Partial tears of the MCL generally heal and do well. Partial tears of the ACL are a little more difficult to know how they’ll do. If there is not much laxity in your knee then you may do fine without surgery. If…

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Bucket Handle Meniscus Tear

Question: I have a bucket-handle tear of the medial meniscus with flipped fragment extending into the intercondylar notch encompassing greater than 50% of the overall meniscal volume. My knee has almost full range of motion and I only experience pain/discomfort when I try to squat/bend-knee very deeply(almost to the floor). Can stem cell therapy, like…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Fibularis Brevis Tendon

Question: Do you generally recommend surgery for an incomplete split tear of the fibularis brevis tendon with moderate distal tendinosis? Non-surgical care is almost always tried first. Rest, ice, elevation, and anti-inflammatory medication is the primary treatment, followed by range of motion and strengthening exercises, and finally a trial of GRADUALLY returning to regular activities.…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Hip Fractures

Question: In 2014 I fractured the neck of my right femur and a closed reduction with cancellous screws was performed. There is some post exercise stiffness after periods of being inactive, but usually goes away within 2-3 days.  I go in for a check-up every two years and understand that I have a lower risk of…

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Ask An Orthopedist: What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Question: I had Chikangunya Fever in October 2016 and immediately after that, I have had continuous pain in joints, especially in my fingers, wrists, ankles, and my toes. Along with the everyday pain, I am always fatigued and almost every joint is constantly stiff. I’ve done some research on my symptoms and they are all…

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Consulting an Orthopedist: Torn Biceps Tendon

Question: My husband tore his biceps tendon at the elbow (complete tear). He is very active, but does not want to do the surgery to repair the tear. What are the pros and cons of not doing the surgery? Can he still build his biceps muscle with the tendon not attached? The pros are not…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Broken Collar Bone

Question: I have a broken collar bone that moves and can be manipulated with no pain. Does not repairing the collarbone put me at risk for any shoulder problems? Will it make me more susceptible to a torn rotator or torn Labrum? You may lose a little strength with certain motions and in certain positions because…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Can ACL Tears Cause Heel Spurs?

Question: I tore my ACL in my left knee back in 2004. I’ve recently been experiencing pain in both my knee and my heel. My pain and discomfort is starting to affect my work, therefore, I need opinions on how to solve my problems. I doubt the ACL tear is causing you pain, but you may be…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Fractured Tibia & Fibula

Question: My son fractured his right legs Tibia and Fibula. It has been two months since seeking treatment and his fracture has only healed about half way. Is there anything I can do to quicken up his healing process? There is nothing you can do to make the bone heal faster. If the bone is…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Rotator Cuff Tear

Question: My first rotator cuff tear was successfully repaired in 2003. I recently slipped on ice and jammed that same shoulder. A recent MRI shows that my tendon has completely torn from bone. Can the tendon be reattached to the bone? Yes, the rotator cuff can be re-repaired. The MRI would show if there has…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Ruptured Achilles Tendon

Question: I recently ruptured my Achilles tendon. I enjoy an active lifestyle of running, hiking, golf, coaching youth sports and would like to not disrupt that. In your opinion, which repair option, surgery or immobilization, would be the best for me? I may be a little old school here but I think repair gives a higher…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Labral Repair

Question: I recently had an MRI on my hip joint and the results showed that I have a tear of the lateral labrum, along with a few other injuries. Since the MRI, I have been going to Physical Therapy and have been receiving hip injections. The injections have been great, relieving most of my pain,…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Foot Fracture

Question: What can I do to heal my avulsion fracture in my 5th metatarsal the fastest? This will take 6-8 weeks to heal no matter what you do. You can’t speed up bone healing. There are a number of acceptable treatments for this – cast, fracture boot, hard-soled shoe. Until it heals you should not…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Torn ACL

Question: I had an MRI done recently after a car accident, and it showed a complete mid substance rupture of my ACL. I am an athlete and since my ACL has been torn, I have not been able to play the game to my full potential. Is this surgery necessary for my knee’s recovery? Once the…

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Understanding the Details of Partial Meniscectomy

Updated: January 13, 2024 Question:I had a partial meniscectomy 13 years ago, with 90% “all but the rim” removed. I frequently get knee pain, not sharp, but a soreness, especially if I walk with hard-soled shoes on a hard surface. The soreness may last a couple of days, and is most pronounced when walking. What keeps…

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Ask An Orthopedist:Trapezius Pain

Question:  Is it possible to get trapezius pain with having a labrum tear on my shoulder? If it is a tear and I needed surgery, would the trapezius pain disappear? Yes, it is possible. If your shoulder mechanics are altered from substitution of muscles in trying to not aggravate the labral tear, then the trapezius…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Knee Arthritis

Question: I have been recently diagnosed with post-traumatic left knee arthritis from an injury I had when I was younger. I was informed that it can be managed with physical therapy, injections, anti-inflammatories, and things of that nature. If someone came into your clinic with this problem, is that the recommendation you would give them, or…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Degenerative Arthritis

Question: In the past 4-5 years, I’ve had knee debridement and cervical bulging discs. I just recently found out I have a partially torn tendon in my wrist and cartilage degeneration in my wrist of my dominant hand. My main concern is how often I’m hearing that I have degenerating cartilage or meniscus. Am I…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Body Conditioning

Question: I practice a style of Karate that involves a lot of body conditioning, particularly with the hands to make them hard and calloused. I recently heard that this type of training can lead to arthritis and loss of dexterity in the long term, Is any of this true? Although you can hear and even…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Question: I’ve had Osgood-Schlatter Disease since I was a child. I never treated it growing up, nor have I ever been in pain from it. I have large bumps underneath each knee and was wondering if there was a way to remove them? The bumps you feel and see are bone, and they will never…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Bicep Surgery

Question: What are the physical indications that bicep surgery, in which the head/top tendon is severed and reattached to the bone, is appropriate? A good question without a definitive answer. Some orthopedists recommend having it fixed basically all the time. Some recommend never having it fixed. Some (and I’m in this group) determine if either…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Weight lifting and shoulder pain

Question: I have a slight dull pain in my right shoulder and the doctor I went to said it was bicep tendonitis. I was wondering if I lift weights 2 to 3 times a week, in the long run will my arm be badly damaged? My shoulder also pops when I lift my arm straight…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Knee Pain

Question: My mother has suffered from knee pain for many years and her legs are starting to thin. We had a recent x-ray done but are having trouble understanding what her next steps should be. Can you take a look at the report and suggest how to move forward and help treat her pain? X-ray…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Hyperextended Knee

Question: I hyperextended my knee about 3 weeks ago. I had swelling and immobility for several days, but by the end of the week, I had most movement back. I can walk fine but cannot fully extend my knee and there is a lot of pain if I do on accident. Should I wait another…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Knee Replacement Surgery Incisions

Question: For a knee replacement surgery, which type of incision is the best? Almost all knee replacements are done with a straight incision over the middle of the knee.  This tends to heal well and allows us (the surgeon) good access to all parts of the knee. Have a question for one of our orthopedic surgeons? Click…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Meniscus Tear

Question: I’m 55, active, and have been diagnosed with: Subtle horizontal the tear within posterior body of the medial meniscus extending to the inferior surface and questionable subtle horizontal tear of the posterior horn medial meniscus. No displaced meniscal tissue. The doctor has provided options of either physical therapy or surgical removal of the torn…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Knee Pain While Walking
Ask An Orthopedist: Knee Pain While Walking

Dr. Kim Foreman, Orthopedic Surgeon, and the Azalea Orthopedics Team answers your toughest orthopedic questions related to bone and joint pain, physical therapy, pain management and more. Question: I’ve been having pain in the back of my leg when I walk, exercise or work. I may have pulled something in my tendon. Is there some…

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Ask An Orthopedist: MRI Scan Complications
Ask An Orthopedist: MRI Scan Complications

Question: In mid June 2016 I injured my left shoulder while attempting to close a window with much force. Since then, there’s been pain and decreased range of motion. I am thinking of doing an MRI scan of my left shoulder but would like advice on the type of MRI and if my dental and…

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Knee Aspiration
Knee Aspiration

Q: I am due to get an aspiration on the front of my knee soon. How soon after will I be able to participate in a sporting event after? I have an important game three days after my aspiration. Answer: You may have a little tenderness to pressure over the front of the knee, but should…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Partial Tear in Quadriceps
Ask An Orthopedist: Partial Tear in Quadriceps

Question: What are treatment options for a partial tear in the quadriceps tendon? Make sure you rest for healing and perform regular stretching and strengthening.  Surgery is needed only for complete or near complete tears. Dr. Kim Foreman and the Azalea Orthopedics Team is ready to answers your toughest orthopedic questions related to bone and joint pain,…

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Ask An Orthopedist: Running After Broken Metatarsals

Question: About nine months ago, I broke five metatarsals. I recently started running and am having a lot of pain. When I wear my compression sock it feels uncomfortable and almost makes it feel worse. Am I able to wrap it with an ace bandage? What can I do to make it better? Answer: You should…

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Insights from an Orthopedist: Navigating a Fractured Finger
Insights from an Orthopedist: Navigating a Fractured Finger

Updated: Janaury 13, 2024 I fractured my proximal phalanx on the middle finger on my left hand. By the time I saw a doctor, they said it was too late to realign my bones it has started to heal. I’m worried that I might suffer complications. Any suggestions? If you had something done now it would…

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Knock Knees

Q: I am having a problem commonly referred to as, “knock knees.” Is it curable without surgery? If possible how can I cure my knock knee issues? If you are still growing then bracing can sometimes help.. If you have finished growing then braces won’t be of much benefit.  If you are flat-footed this can…

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Popping Shoulder
Popping Shoulder

Question: I am female, age 67. I play tennis 5 times per week. My right shoulder (front and top) has begun crackling, popping and catching. I am most concerned about the “catching” feeling, since I am assuming that over time, whatever is catching will tear. I have no pain. Any advice is appreciated. You may…

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Knee Cartilage

Azalea Orthopedics receives orthopedic questions through the Ask An Orthopedist page and provides answers from Azalea doctors!  Question: I have a grade 4 cartilage fracture on the femur of one knee. I’m in my 40’s and live a fairly active lifestyle and enjoy biking and jogging. Is this injury best repaired (for long term function) by microfracture or…

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Wrist Pain

Azalea Orthopedics receives orthopedic questions through the Ask An Orthopedist page and provides answers from Azalea doctors!  Question: I broke my wrist last year and ended up having surgery. Over the past couple weeks, I’ve started to feel pain in my wrist and almost feel like my bones are ripping apart. Could this be because of the cold…

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Navigating Surgery Recovery: What to Expect

Updated: January 13, 2024 Azalea Orthopedics receives orthopedic questions through the Ask An Orthopedist page and provides answers from Azalea doctors!  Question: I suffered an accident that involves avulsion fractures of my LCL and Bicep Femoris Tendon.  My surgery has been delayed for 3 weeks so far because of workmans comp.  How does this affect my recovery and…

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Ask An Orthopedist | Knee Pain Post Surgery
Ask An Orthopedist | Knee Pain Post Surgery

Question: I had surgery on my left knee for a torn meniscus in August. During surgery, my knee was also treated for joint arthritis. After finishing my PT and going back to work, I began to feel very intense knee pain in not only my left knee, but my right knee as well. I’ve been…

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Are my dark spots associated with my Arthritis?
Are my dark spots associated with my Arthritis?

In this Ask An Orthopedist, a patient is concerned about dark sports spotted on an x-ray for arthritis. I had a lower back x-ray done about a month ago and was told my diagnosis was arthritis. Can dark spots or black spots be indicative of arthritis? The few spots on the 2 or 3 vertebrae…

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Is my knee pain diagnosis correct?
Is my knee pain diagnosis correct?

This patient is concerned about knee pain after surgery, and may have an incorrect prior diagnosis. I tore my ACL and meniscus on my left knee playing soccer and had surgery 9 months ago. Recently, I’ve been experiencing knee pain again and was told I have a degenerative lateral meniscus, but I’m not sure what it is…

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Can doing certain exercises from past physical therapy help stress fractures?
Can doing certain exercises from past physical therapy help stress fractures?

A stress fracture is a tiny crack in a bone caused by repetitive stress or force, often from overuse. This cheerleader is concerned she will get another stress fracture now that she has started physical activity again. Can doing certain exercises from her past physical therapy help? Last fall (2014) I was diagnosed with a stress…

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Does a rotator cuff tear have to be repaired with open surgery?
Does a rotator cuff tear have to be repaired with open surgery?

A rotator cuff tear is a tear in the tissues connecting muscle to bone tendons around the shoulder joint. Having a torn rotator cuff can be a painful experience and most patients prefer to have the least invasive surgery as possible. If your rotator cuff is torn approximately 8 cm., does it have to be…

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How can I get relief from my Patellar Tendinitis without surgery?
How can I get relief from my Patellar Tendinitis without surgery?

This patient suffers from Chronic Patellar Tendinitis and is looking for relief without surgery so they can return to participating in the sports they love. I have been dealing with patellar tendinitis for 4 years now in both knees. I’ve had physical therapy countless times with no results. Just this past December, I had patellar…

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Can I grow taller?
Can I grow taller?

Jennifer is unhappy with her current height and is looking for a solution besides taller shoes. Is there any safe, fast or cheap way to grow taller? No there isn’t. Height is genetically determined and can only be potentially altered with prolonged hormone treatment  which is a neither safe nor cheap option.

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Will inserts help my arch pain?
Will inserts help my arch pain?

A mother is concerned for her daughters aching feet during physical activity due to her flat arched foot, often known as “falling arches.” My daughter runs cross country and track in high school. She complains of aching feet.  She has been told before that she has falling arches.  Will inserts in her shoes fix the…

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Can I reduce my bow legs?
Can I reduce my bow legs?

Suman from Monroe isn’t in a lot of pain, but wonders if there is something that can help the gap between her legs that is often referred to as bow legs. When I stand up straight and connect my ankles, my knees don’t touch and there is a gap between my legs even when my…

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Would certain exercises wear out my new hip?
Would certain exercises wear out my new hip?

Loretta from Fountain Inn South Carolina wants to prolong the life of her hip replacements as long as possible and is looking for exercises that can keep her active without wearing down her implant. I had total hip replacement surgery in 2010, my surgeon using the posterior method.  My implant is Biomet titanium. I want…

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Does a Fractured Finger Point to Surgery?
Does a Fractured Finger Point to Surgery?

Karthik from Mexico is concerned about his fractured finger and wonders if surgery is necessary and is looking to be pointed in the right direction. Three weeks ago, I hurt my small finger on my left hand and after an Xray, found it was a mallet finger fracture. I have been wearing a splint on my…

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Holly’s Unhappy Hips
Holly’s Unhappy Hips

Holly from Mount Pleasant isn’t in a lot of pain right now, but she wonders if her popping hips could be a sign of problems to come. I am a relatively healthy 34 y/o female.  I have noticed over the last couple of years that both of my hips pop very easily. Just turning my…

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What’s up with my broken toe?
What’s up with my broken toe?

Vladimir from New Orleans has a complicated history with one of those little things you don’t realize how much you need until it’s out of commission — his big toe. Can Vladimir find a solution to his long-broken toe? Vladimir: About year ago, I had an injury to my left big toe (dislocation of the…

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Could it be a broken leg after all?
Could it be a broken leg after all?

Allison from East Palatka, Florida has been in pain since an injury, despite a clear x-ray. Could her leg be broken after all? Dr. Foreman is here to help! Question: I injured my lower leg and foot three weeks ago and still can not walk on it. I’m still in a lot of pain and…

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Oh, my aching back!
Oh, my aching back!

Karen from Overton, Texas writes this week wondering what to do about ongoing back pain. “I have chronic low back pain. I’m looking for exercises to help with the pain. Can you recommend any?” Breaking Muscle has a great list of solutions for back pain from changes you can make in your everyday posture and…

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My broken finger didn’t heal right. Can it be fixed?
My broken finger didn’t heal right. Can it be fixed?

“My ring finger on the right hand is basically bent and will not stay straight. I believe it is from an injury years ago that was not treated. The knuckle is much bigger than the other ring finger and I have been having some pain in the knuckle/inside of the finger. “I have noticed more…

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What does my MRI report mean?
What does my MRI report mean?

On today’s Ask an Orthopedist, Kelvin all the way in Singapore needs Dr. Foreman’s help interpreting the results of an MRI on his spine. Hi Dr, I had an MRI recently for my back but I don’t quite understand the report. It’d be great if you can help me interpret it. The vertebrae are numbered…

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How To Treat a Torn Meniscus
How To Treat a Torn Meniscus

I am a 32 year old male who injured his knee in high school weightlifting (squats). It went un-diagnosed until this last week. MRI results revealed a torn meniscus (the exterior), and osteoarthritis. My orthopedic doctor has recommended Euflexxa to manage the OA and prolong the life of my knee before surgery (hopefully) decades down…

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Is My Son’s Broken Leg Healing Right?
Is My Son’s Broken Leg Healing Right?

Q: My son had broken his leg broken 3 weeks ago playing a winter sport (fibula and tibia) that night he had a titanium rod and screws put in. He has noticed that leg goes out more to the right than the other leg. We had it measured and the left leg was 21 degrees…

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Ask an Orthopedist – Do I really need surgery for my torn meniscus?
Ask an Orthopedist – Do I really need surgery for my torn meniscus?

Question: I got injured about ten weeks ago and I just had an MRI taken.  Here are the results: fluid behind the knee cap, posterior tear lateral horn of meniscus extensive, all the way through, and a popliteal cyst.  Lastly, I can’t straighten my knee either and I don’t want atrophy.  Are there any alternatives…

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Ask An Orthopedist – Can I make my broken leg heal faster?
Ask An Orthopedist – Can I make my broken leg heal faster?

Question: Years ago I was diagnosed with Osteopenia, I had regular Dexa Scans and was told last year that my bones had sufficiently recovered so I didn’t have to go anymore. In addition, I had Patella Malalignment and physio as well.  Then three weeks ago I broke both bones in my lower leg and dislocated my…

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Exploring Solutions for Running without Knee Pain
Exploring Solutions for Running without Knee Pain

Updated: January 13, 2024 Question: I have been having severe knee pains ever since I started running track. I run long distances and whenever I finish running I can’t walk without a limp and lots of pain for about a week and up to one month. When I went to the doctor I was told…

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Ask an Orthopedist – Could I have something more than tennis elbow?
Ask an Orthopedist – Could I have something more than tennis elbow?

Question: Two weeks ago I was told I have tennis elbow, I was prescribed only prednisone for a week, however the pain is still excruciating. The pain is in the inside of my elbow; I can’t sit with my arms down while typing due to the pain when my elbow touches the table. It feels like…

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Ask an Orthopedist – Help! My sprained LCL isn’t healing.
Ask an Orthopedist – Help! My sprained LCL isn’t healing.

Question: I had an MRI eight months ago on my left knee.  It showed that my lateral collateral tendon is strained/sprained (not sure which of the two), and I have fluid on the knee.  I have been receiving steroid injections into the knee every month, because the knee hurts me so bad.  The shots used…

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Ask an Orthopedist – Is my ankle sprain healing right?
Ask an Orthopedist – Is my ankle sprain healing right?

Question: I sprained my ankle a little over a month ago and went to the doctor the next day. It was severely swollen and I was completely incapable of walking on it for about a week. I am able to put pressure on it now and swelling has gone done, but there still is swelling…

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Ask an Orthopedist – Is my knee replacement coming apart?
Ask an Orthopedist – Is my knee replacement coming apart?

Question: Dr. Foreman, my patella (kneecap) has been doing well and I have been working on getting more flexibility, but the other day a prominent bump appeared on the superior/medial part of the patella and it is painful. It looks and feels like one of the pins has shifted or rotated and is trying to…

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Ask an Orthopedist – What should I do about my injured wrist?
Ask an Orthopedist – What should I do about my injured wrist?

Question: I recently injured my wrist. How long is too long to wait on a scaphoid injury? Meaning, how quickly does necrosis set in? Dr. Foreman Says: The sooner the better. Not all scaphoid fractures result in avascular necrosis – some just don’t heal. But the longer you go without treatment the less chance there…

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Ask An Orthopedist – How do I treat my ankle sprain at home?
Ask An Orthopedist – How do I treat my ankle sprain at home?

Question: I’m 13 years old. About a week ago I was doing aerials (handless cartwheels) in gymnastics and my ankle started to hurt so I stopped. That weekend I had a soccer game and I got knocked into and I fell. Since then it’s been pretty swollen and very painful. I can still walk but…

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Casting options for 3-year-old with arm fracture
Casting options for 3-year-old with arm fracture

Question: My 3-year old daughter fell down and the result of the x-rays /XR WRIST RIGHT/ is: “Minimal buckling is seen, distal radius and distal ulna most consistent with minimal torus ulna approximately 1 cm from the growth plate of the distal radius and the distal aspect of the ulna. Minimal buckling of the distal radius…

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Can a slightly torn ACL cause everlasting knee issues?
Can a slightly torn ACL cause everlasting knee issues?

Question: I have had constant knee problems over the last ten years. I am 23 years old, and when I was 14, I hurt my knee playing football. When I initially got my knee checked out, I was told that I had a bruise and a slightly torn ACL. The doctor told me that three…

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When is it time for surgery to treat bunions? What is the recovery time and process?
When is it time for surgery to treat bunions? What is the recovery time and process?

Question: My daughter has bunions on both feet. The one on her right foot is worse and has been very painful for years. She saw a podiatrist a couple of years back and was told she would need surgery. She has orthotics that she wears as a college athlete, she is on her cleats many hours…

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Is it normal for my feet to point outward?
Is it normal for my feet to point outward?

Question: My feet point outwards especially my right one, when I try to point it straight it hurts my knee. Is this normal? Answer: The outward turning of your feet is how you were made – there is nothing you can do about it. Trying to walk with your feet straight will only make your…

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How can you treat an aging knee problem?
How can you treat an aging knee problem?

Question: How can you treat an aging knee problem, for a hobby and sports dad? Answer: I am assuming your problem is arthritis. Treatment depends on your age, activity level, and severity of the arthritis. Treatment options include medication, joint supplements, bracing, and knee replacement. The right choice can only be chosen after evaluating your…

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What causes my hip to lock when standing from a sitting position?
What causes my hip to lock when standing from a sitting position?

Why Does My Hip Lock When Standing?   Question: Sometimes when I try to stand from a sitting position my hip will lock causing excruciating pain. This started a couple years ago, but when I went to the doctor he didn’t seem too concerned. Just said it was old age arthritis. Even standing it would…

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Wrist surgery has not relieved pain. What can be done?
Wrist surgery has not relieved pain. What can be done?

Question: My father had surgery to fuse his left wrist together. He has little to no cartilage left in his wrist and was looking for any kind of pain relief. Since then, he is still in the same amount of pain, and has limited mobility now. The Doctor doesn’t seem interested in trying to figure…

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At what point is an MRI necessary when having knee pain?
At what point is an MRI necessary when having knee pain?

Question: My daughter injured her knee last year running hurdles. We have seen a local orthopedist, and he said she had a partially torn meniscus and it should heal on its own. Her knee was fine during summer, but with cheerleading and softball her knee hurts and swells. Should we get an MRI of the…

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How Long Does a Sprained Thumb Take to Heal?
How Long Does a Sprained Thumb Take to Heal?

Question: About 3 weeks ago, I sprained my thumb. Currently, it’s still painful to do a few activities. 90% of what I do causes no pain. However, my hand was accidentally slapped and I saw stars for a few minutes. It causes pain when I bend my thumb up. What is the cause of the…

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When screws from surgery are removed, will their holes fill up with new bone?
When screws from surgery are removed, will their holes fill up with new bone?

Question: One and a half years ago I broke my forearm, both ulna and radius. I will soon remove the plate and screws. When the screws are removed, will their holes fill up with new bone? Answer: Yes they will. It takes about 6 weeks for that to happen so you’ll need to be a…

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Pinched nerve or just a tight muscle?
Pinched nerve or just a tight muscle?

Question: I am having a sharp pain under my left shoulder blade any sudden movement, cough, or when I press on the back of my neck sends a sharp pain. When I lay down about the only relief I get is to lay on that shoulder. Is is possible just a tight muscle or is…

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Does a torn labrum require surgery? How long is the recovery?
Does a torn labrum require surgery? How long is the recovery?

Question: Hi, my son has a torn labrum, “SLAP TEAR” and is a baseball player for Letourneau University. Does this normally require surgery and how long of a recovery before back to playing baseball? Answer: Athletes involved in overhead sport – baseball, tennis, swimming, volleyball, among others – typically don’t do well with labral tears…

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How Long Does it Take For a Bruised Hip or Lower Back to Heal?
How Long Does it Take For a Bruised Hip or Lower Back to Heal?

Question: In April I was thrown from my horse. The doctor said I bruised my hips and lower back. I still have severe pain in my lower back when I move or sit. Would bruised hips and lower back still cause this much pain and discomfort several months later? Answer: A bruise/strain/sprain should be 90-95%…

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Are there other options besides surgery for cuff and labrum tears?
Are there other options besides surgery for cuff and labrum tears?

Question: Had surgery in January and still in pain. Had another MRI, it showed 2 tears in rotor cuff and labrum tear. The company will not let me come back; I climb poles for a phone company. I’ve worked 35 years with this company, not sure I want to go through another surgery. Do I have…

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Ask an Orthopedist with Dr. Kim Foreman: Unruly Ulna
Ask an Orthopedist with Dr. Kim Foreman: Unruly Ulna

Azalea’s “Ask an Orthopedist” service allows anyone to submit orthopedic questions online. Recently, a patient reached out with this issue involving a previous injury: Question: Eleven years ago I had plates and screws put in my left ulna and radius due to a very serious break. The doctor who had done the surgery told me…

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